What Is A Dime Doing On The Floor?

You are more capable and more powerful than you think!

Jocelyne Msigwa Kihampa
3 min readMay 12, 2023
source: 123rf.com

Again and again, I have realized just like you, I too, hold myself back. So many times.

My personal struggles about my potential and my identity are triggered once I face something difficult, a criticism, or a mere setback. I start questioning my ability and start thinking, I am not cut out for this.

When I add the maths, it actually makes sense. Look at how much I have failed. I have been a fool, I have made wrong decisions, and sometimes I have been a little too confident and it has backfired really badly. I have gone broke in more numbers than I can count. I have faced difficult experiences that left a mark on my life. Look at how I struggle with people pleasing. I am so full of self-doubt.

I have come to realize, it is normal to face very difficult experiences. To cry, to fail, to make a fool out of yourself is very normal. That is part of being human.

I have also come to realize that fear is real. It holds so many people back. I have struggled with it and I still do. The fear of failing. The fear of being misunderstood. The fear of being hated. The fear of the unknown. The fear that one day, I will wake up, and everyone will realize I am just a fraud (Even if I am not).

A part of me knows how so incompetent I am. I know how scared to the stomach I get when I have to convince a prospect to buy from me. I know my struggles more than anyone else would ever understand. I just have a deep sense of self.

But who would have thought that a deep sense of self-awareness, when focused on the wrong side, becomes a deep sense of self-sabotage?

Look. It is important to be realistic, and it is crucial to scan the facts and understand your potential and its limits. However, it is not right to downplay yourself. To shrink yourself so much that you crowd your judgment

I tend to downplay what I have. I see it as too small, too little while I glorify what others have. I long and yearn to be at a certain level and have what someone else has while completely forgetting that what I have, what I can do, and where I am can also be great. I have struggled with this for so long, and I am ashamed to say that I still do.

Why do I rob myself? Why do I hold myself back?

… I wonder

Why do I feel so beaten?

It’s like I am trapped in a deep valley with so much darkness and shuttered hope. Deep down, I know I have to pick up my pieces and put myself together. This journey is just beginning.

In this dark, filthy place I recenter my focus. Instead of looking at my circumstances, I look into who and whose I am. I recall what I have been able to do, to endure. I summon my strength and focus on that. I figured I need my mind to be the strongest at a time such as this.

I am dime. After all.

I might be scratched, covered with dirt, somewhere under the rug, I might have been lost for years struggling to find my place and understand my worth. But none of those circumstances changes the fact that I am a dime.

A dime is valuable regardless of where it is or what it has been through. The value is the same.


Dear dime,

Get up on your feet. Shrug off all the dirt on you and keep going.

Trust the process.

Until next time,

A fellow dime.

